Closed Mailing List Template ReadMe

October 5, 1996
Copyright 1996, StarNine Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.

What is a closed mailing list?

A closed mailing list is a discussion list with restricted access. Once added to the mailing list, subscribers can change their subscription options like a normal mailing list. However, new subscribers cannot add themselves... they must be added by a moderator. This would typically be used for internal discussion list or other list where you want to restrict who can subscribe.

How do I use it?

Posts and subscription requests are sent to the public address. This is also the address which appears in the From: field of messages sent out by the list. Commands accepted are subscribe, subscribe digest, unsubscribe, digests, and help. Once a month, subscribers will automatically receive the help message via e-mail. Subscribe requests from new addresses are forwarded to the moderator. The moderator can add them manually using a web form subscription page or by email. Scripts are available on our Extending ListSTAR page in order to help set up the web form subscription page or to subscribe someone to a list via email.

Any message received by the public address which is not recognized as a command is interpreted as a post. If the sender address is a subscriber, the message is reflected to the rest of the list. If not, the message is returned to the sender informing him/her that s/he is not authorized to post.


To make a new closed mailing list, take the following steps:

  1. If you haven't already, read about importing templates
  2. Launch the ListSTAR Server
  3. Choose "New Closed Mailing List..." from the "Scripts" menu
  4. At the prompt for the address and display name of "Closed Mailing List", enter information for the public address mentioned above, which all subscribers will see and use.
  5. At the prompt for the moderator's email address, enter the address where subscribe requests should be forwarded. This address is automatically entered into the "Closed Mailing List Moderators" address list if it doesn't already exist there.
  6. At the prompt for the listmaster's email address, enter the address where mailer-daemon mail and error messages should be sent. This address is automatically entered into the "Listmaster Address" address list if it doesn't already exist there.
  7. At this point ListSTAR will be busy for a few moments as it duplicates files and imports them into ListSTAR. If your Services window is open, you will see "Closed Mailing List", and "Closed Mailing List Timer" appear in alphabetical order. When this is finished, a dialog will appear reporting exactly how many services, address lists, and AppleScripts were created.
  8. The new template is now created. You should rename the new services and address lists. In most cases, you can just replace "Closed Mailing List" with "Your List Name" as appropriate. The names are not themselves important; it is just important that the names are unique and easily identifiable.


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by Joshua D. Baer
©1996 StarNine Technologies,